New EASA NCC Regulations

Posted: 29th February, 2016

By 25th August 2016 operators of “complex” helicopters are required to declare to their National Aviation Authority (CAA) that they are compliant in all respects with the EASA NCC requirements with a suitable Safety Management System and Operations Manual in place.

“The responsibility for compliance with the forthcoming new EASA NCC regulations rests with the owner/operator of the helicopter, but this should require more than a simple box tick” – Steve Gladston

While a generic Operations Manual may appear to meet the requirement in the rst instance, HeliOperations believe full compliance is best achieved through the production of a customised management system and associated manuals written to the customers’ speci c requirements based on What you operate, Where you operate, How you operate.


Our experts have extensive experience in commercial and specialist operations and will ensure that your system contains all relevant Processes and Procedures to deliver your requirement safely and compliantly.

Our goal is to bring a structured, effective and relevant methodology to your operation ensuring it is safe, ef cient, reliable and auditable.

From a relatively simple set of manuals, spreadsheets, forms and reports to a fully automated online capability HeliOperations will provide education, training and expertise and in collaboration with our customers, customised and relevant processes, procedures and manuals with the option of full management of your operation and/or aircraft, ongoing oversight, support and supervision as required.

HeliOperations are providing NCC operators con dence and relevance through a professional and expert approach. Non EASA customers can fully bene t from our unique and effective system solutions through our ISBAO compliant package for global operations.

Contact HeliOperations to discuss your requirements and for the preparation of NCC compliant manuals and associated management systems through the use of a dedicated secure Web based Portal and smartphone App.

New Feature on HeliOperations Website: UAS Permit Form

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The Regeneration of ZA 137

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