Muntsy’s Adult Day Care

Posted: 14th May, 2022

HeliOperations has been delighted to support a number of visits by Muntsy’s, a Portland based organisation that provides support to adults with learning disabilities or additional support requirements. Our staff enjoyed showing our visitors around the facilities and aircraft and how we fly and maintain the Sea Kings operated from Portland. Muntsy’s are now regular visitors to our facility which is just a short walk from their own building.

New Feature on HeliOperations Website: UAS Permit Form

21st June, 2024

We are pleased to inform our users that the HeliOperations website now includes a feature for completing the Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) permit form. You can find this form here.…

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Sustainable Aviation

10th May, 2024

In today's world, environmental sustainability is no longer an option but a necessity. HeliOperations stands at the forefront of the aviation industry, leading the charge towards a greener future. As…

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The Regeneration of ZA 137

18th April, 2024

ZA137 was recently recovered from storage having last flown with the Royal Navy in 
November 2015. Prior to being sold to HeliOps in 2018, the aircraft was stored at HMS…

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