Monaco Yacht Show 2015

Posted: 14th October, 2015

Again this year Heli Operations attended the MYS. It was, as always a great success for us, and although a busy time gave the opportunity to meet old friends and making new ones and I would like to thanks all of those new friends who took the time to seek us out and find out more about us. The Show itself presents a unique opportunity to meet other industry professionals and potential clients. At an event like the MYS it is clear how many new vessels are coming out that have an aviation capability, of all shapes and sizes. With even some of the smaller yachts having a landing area designed in. Unfortunately the term “Touch and Go’ is still too frequently used, however it was pleasing to notice a growing awareness that if a Helicopter is landing on a vessel the considerations should be the same no matter what the vessels status, private or commercial and it was really interesting talking with the designers and builders to hear their vast range of innovations that are being developed. It is very clear that some form of recognition by flag states of this explosion in private aviation to and from vessels is required. Heli Operations is leading the development of aviation safety management within this industry as an Aviation inspecting Body and as a company of aviation Experts where Safety is at the forefront of our mission. We would be interested to talk with any who would like to explore this subject further.


SuperYachts were not the only areas of interest at the Show and It was a great pleasure for Steve and I to have the opportunity for a flight in the brand new Augusta Westland AW169 Executive Helicopter and view the show from the Air. A very impressive machine which I think will be a game changer in the Executive Helicopter market. Our thanks to Andrea and Manuela for making this possible and being great hosts.

We based ourselves in the Superyacht UK area of the Darse Sud tent which is a great location and also a welcome pit stop to rest wherry feet and refuel on rocket fuel coffee. Our advertising and physical presence within the SYUK area attracted interest from many areas, some unexpected but being part of SYUK is certainly a good thing and we are pleased to be part of that collective. Thanks very much to Fiona and Richard for keeping the coffee flowing and taking enquiries for us.

Now is the time to empty all the pockets of business cards and contacts, fill up the rollerdex and gear up for the winter season. No rest for the wicked!

Jon Llewellyn

New Feature on HeliOperations Website: UAS Permit Form

21st June, 2024

We are pleased to inform our users that the HeliOperations website now includes a feature for completing the Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) permit form. You can find this form here.…

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Sustainable Aviation

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In today's world, environmental sustainability is no longer an option but a necessity. HeliOperations stands at the forefront of the aviation industry, leading the charge towards a greener future. As…

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The Regeneration of ZA 137

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ZA137 was recently recovered from storage having last flown with the Royal Navy in 
November 2015. Prior to being sold to HeliOps in 2018, the aircraft was stored at HMS…

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