HeliOps Board of Directors

Posted: 17th December, 2019

HeliOperations is delighted to welcome Vice Admiral Sir Alan Massey as Chairman of the HeliOps Board of Directors. Sir Alan has a strong background in maritime operations, maritime aviation, search and rescue, risk management, and safety regulation. In his 33-year Royal Navy career he commanded two aircraft carriers on combat operations and served for 5-years on the Navy and Admiralty Boards. Following his final RN appointment as Second Sea Lord and Commander-in-Chief, Naval Home Command, Sir Alan spent 8-years as Chief Executive Officer to the UK Maritime & Coastguard Agency, where he modernised the UK’s Coastguard service, and transformed the MCA’s regulatory regime.

HeliOps’ CEO Steve Gladston said, “Sir Alan’s wealth of experience in maritime aviation and safety regulation, coupled with his previous role on the Navy Board, makes him a hugely valuable addition to the Board of HeliOperations as its Chairman. He will play an important role implementing the Company’s growth-strategy by continuing to secure UK and overseas civil and military aviation and flying training contracts”.

New Feature on HeliOperations Website: UAS Permit Form

21st June, 2024

We are pleased to inform our users that the HeliOperations website now includes a feature for completing the Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) permit form. You can find this form here.…

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Sustainable Aviation

10th May, 2024

In today's world, environmental sustainability is no longer an option but a necessity. HeliOperations stands at the forefront of the aviation industry, leading the charge towards a greener future. As…

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The Regeneration of ZA 137

18th April, 2024

ZA137 was recently recovered from storage having last flown with the Royal Navy in 
November 2015. Prior to being sold to HeliOps in 2018, the aircraft was stored at HMS…

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