HeliOperations provides Medical, Point of Injury and Medevac support to a range of operations. HeliOperations aircrew deployed in this role, all of whom are fully qualified paramedics, engage with our medevac Service Delivery Partners to ensure that medical best-practice is achieved. This may be from simple equipment specification suggestions to major amendments to Qualification, Training and Currency recommendations for inclusion in the client’s Operating Manuals. HeliOperations is experienced in the supply and maintenance of a broad range of medical equipment including controlled drugs and therapeutic entonox under our fully endorsed medical governance regime.
Explore our comprehensive range of services today and unlock the full potential of your aviation needs. Discover why HeliOperations is the preferred partner for excellence in the industry.
HeliOperations is delivering live Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) flying training to CHC on the S92 helicopter in Ireland.
Continue ReadingHeliOps aircrew are amongst the most experienced deck landing operators in the world.
Continue ReadingHeliOperations continues to be the first choice provider with a 100% track record of safe, reliable & cost effective service.
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